Beauty & Ageing

Created to target specific skin concerns, the solutions provided by SkinMed Solutions are carefully researched to prepare, re-balance and destress the skin to enhance a healthy, smooth and glowing appearance. Leveraging powerful active ingredients and technologies.

Cellbooster GLOW

CHAC Technology stabilized non-crosslinked Hyaluronic Acid cellbooster/skinbooster nourishing and deeply hydrating the skin. Reduces hyperpigmentation and fight against oxidative stress, photo-aging, melasma, chloasma.

Cellbooster LIFT

CHAC Technology stabilized non-crosslinked Hyaluronic Acid cellbooster/skinbooster diminishing the effects of aging by filling the soft tissue, preventing oxidative stress and providing deep hydration. stimulating collagen production, improving microcirculation and cell nutrion.

Celluma DELUX

3-mode Celluma DELUX for full-body LED light therapy, treating Acne, Wrinkles, Arthritic pain, Joint pain and stiffness, Muscle tension and spasm

Celluma DELUX-XL

3-mode Celluma DELUX XL for full-body LED light therapy, treating Acne, Wrinkles, Arthritic pain, Joint pain and stiffness, Muscle tension and spasm

Celluma ELITE

3-mode permanently stand-mounted Celluma ELITE treating Acne, Wrinkles, Pain and Wound Healing

Celluma FACE

2-mode Celluma FACE treating Acne, Wrinkles and wound healing

Celluma HOME
Celluma HOME

2-mode Celluma HOME treating Wrinkles and Pain

Celluma iLITE

3-mode Celluma battery-powered iLITE treating Acne, Wrinkles, Pain and Wound Healing

Cellluma iPRO
Celluma iPRO

3-mode Celluma battery-powered iPRO treating Acne, Wrinkles, Pain and Wound Healing

Celluma LITE

3-mode Celluma LITE treating Acne, Wrinkles, Pain and Wound Healing

Celluma POD

3-mode mini size Celluma POD treating Acne, Wrinkles and Pain

Celluma PRO
Celluma PRO

3-mode Celluma PRO treating Acne, Wrinkles, Pain and Wound Healing

Celluma SKIN

2-mode Celluma SKIN treating Acne and Wrinkles

Celluma for Pain and muscle recovery
Celluma SPORT

Single mode Celluma SPORT specifically designed for general pain management including arthritic pain as well as sport and age-related injuries

Deep Slim
Deep Slim Bodysculpting

Multifocal ultrasound with low mechanical index (MULMI)

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